Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Gluten-Free; Is It a Trend or Epidemic

The gluten-free industry grew to a 6.2 billion dollar industry in 2011. Many Hollywood actors and other famous individuals have touted the diet. So the question that is being asked, is it going to last? Or is it, going to go the way of other diets? Atkins diet or South Beach where brief food trends that did not last.

The gluten free diet is the only treatment for those suffering from Celiac Disease. Celiac Disease is an
autoimmune disorder. Those with Celiac Disease cannot ingest gluten. Gluten is a protein found in Wheat, barley and rye. Think of bread dough when you knead the dough you are stretching the gluten. It is the glue that keeps the bread together.

There are around 3 million Americans who suffer from Celiac Disease. That is around 1 in 133 individuals. The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center thinks 90% of these individuals do not even know they have it. Those who suffer from Gluten intolerance is thought to be around 1 in 26 individuals. Six to eight percent of the population is on some sort of gluten free diet.

A large group of medical experts think this diet and trend is going to continue upward. Celiac Disease is a hard disease to diagnose. It is common for individuals to suffer from symptoms for 6 to 8 years before being diagnosed properly. Celiac Disease is known to be the great mimicker. The symptoms of bloating, pressure, pain and rashes are symptoms of other gastro-intestinal problems.

With major companies like General Mills, Lays, and Betty Crocker introducing new gluten free products on the market it is a sure bet this is not a short lived fad. Dominos announced today that they are going to start doing deliveries of gluten free crusts. The increasing amount of products is giving the gluten free consumer a lot of choices.

The consumer has a large amount of products to choose from today. With these choices comes the problem which product to choose. The Gluten Free Consumer is the nation’s first review magazine for gluten free products. You can find them at www.thegfconsumer.com They have a review team of individuals with Celiac disease that review products on a daily basis. They are like a consumer reports of gluten free food.
It appears as the gluten free diet is here to stay. There is the increasing amount of patients being diagnosed. Major food companies getting on board with the gluten free diet.  Furthermore, some of our favorite stars and heroes promoting the gluten free diet. Those who are required to be on the diet ought to ride the wave and enjoy the increased food options.


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