Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sweet Gluten-Free Weekend Treat

Here is a simple ice cream sandwich to sweeten up you weekend. We hope you enjoy this sweet treat. This ice cream sandwich has hint of sweet coconut.

You will find more of these simple to make dishes in a new book called, 'That Free Feeling: Recipes from our Families' Table,' written by Chaton Fife, Vickie Rae Eldredge, and Celeste Fife.

These wonderful ladies have a Kickstarter campaign to help defray the cost associated with making a cookbook. Please feel free to share this wonderful project with your friends and family.

This recipe is one example of the digital recipe cards you will get if you contribute to our campaign.
Included in 'That Free Feeling' are over 100 total recipes, including easy-cooking recipes, casual, and fine dining recipes. Included will be recipes accommodating additional common allergies. All recipes will have step-by-step directions and be pictured in full color. Select recipes will give step-by-step picture directions.

'That Free Feeling Cookbook: Recipes from our Families' Table,' is projected to be available in December 2014. It will be a full-colored, flat-laying hardback book.

This cookbook confirms to readers that they can create gluten-free dishes that they can be proud of. We will be using funds from this campaign to buy ingredients and equipment to showcase our recipes. We will also be developing a film studio for creating videos that that give step-by-step directions on creating our recipes.

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